The Truth About BoB and the Owl

What exactly is a blog whore? Apparently, engaging in shameless self-promotion (i.e.; participating in blog carnivals), in addition to referring to all three of you as "dear readers", has qualified me as a finalist for this unique blog award category.
Even though I don't stand a ghost of a chance of winning against the likes of WebKittyn (who will win solely based on her name), I learned that winning this award is a Really Good Thing; besides impressing potential employers by mentioning this award on my CV, I also win ...
Prize Package - First Place:
- One year FREE blog hosting from Web Hosting Solutions, plus a FREE upgrade to the next level of service when the free period expires
FREE porting of your existing blog to from One by One Media
$10 credit on the AdGenta blog ad network from Qumana Software
Ad-free license for the RSS reader Lektora from Qumana Software
So, when the polls open, throw a few votes in my direction, okay? Like everyone, I love free stuff, especially internet-related free stuff.
© 2004, 2005, 2006 by GrrlScientist
5 Peer Reviews:
Okay, so the Grrl's a whore, but I'm envious, you have readers in India. My map is empty, clear, nada, devoid of red dots in India. :( Oh, congrats! :) Hope you win!
Actually, there are four of us.
Walter; the biggest compliment i receive daily is to see regular readers from countries outside of the USA, especially my readers from SE Asia and the Pacific, which is a part of the world that I have a special affinity for.
Pablo; i have four readers? uh-oh! i can only afford to bribe three people to read my blog; how am i gonna pay off all four of you? i guess this means i have to start looking for one really good job.
Because of my name? No, it wouldn't have anything to do with content people might find interesting.
So much for sportsmanship and all in good fun.
Ah well, good luck nonetheless.
SFTR; thanks, i think!
webkittyn; i am sorry to offend you with my comment; that was certainly not my intention! i was making a weak attempt at humor. your name is cute. your name is enough to make people wonder, hrm, what might webkittyn have to say today? that certainly is my first reaction, but whatever. now you know the reason that i am not a professional comic.
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