I am in third place! Out of 231 votes cast so far, Scientific Life has only received 27 votes for "Biggest Blog Whore"! Where did you go, dear readers? We've got to do better!
© 2004, 2005, 2006 by GrrlScientist
"The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." — Eden Phillpotts.
I am in third place! Out of 231 votes cast so far, Scientific Life has only received 27 votes for "Biggest Blog Whore"! Where did you go, dear readers? We've got to do better!
© 2004, 2005, 2006 by GrrlScientist
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12 Peer Reviews:
I feel conflicted about nominating you in association with the "ho" word; perhaps I'm not alone? (I'll set up an identity for myself on ScienceBlogs soon).
It's up to 46 votes now, but still third place.
Yes, some may be hesitant to assoicate a harch word like "whore" to someone named "Hedwig," but since one of the critera is frequent posting to blog carnivals, and posting to blog carnivals is a really great way to make blogs more useful, I will overlook that point in this case.
By the way, you may consider casting a vote for quirky nomads for the best podcasts, as long as you are in the voting booth.
I sort of felt the same way...what a stupid category. OK I'll leave my money on the dresser today.
so .. are you all telling me that i should not include this award (if i should magically win) on my CV??
I'll go over and vote now.
I've vote for you between once and three times - I'm not sure how many votes got recorded. The system is based on votes from IP addresses rather than cookies, so my main trick, switching computers and voting from multiple browsers on each computer, won't work. What sort of a cruel world is it that people can't rig votes?
RD; thanks for the vote!
Alon; i agree; if the rethuglicans can do it, why can't i?
If your ISP assigns a different IP address for each session, then some repeated votes might count.
My ISP assigns all computers in my house the same static IP address.
The rules state you can vote every 24 hours, but after my 1st vote, I've been denied. They must be using the Genesis definition of "24 hours." I'll try again in ~ 2 billion years. Oh, and "whore" is ripe for co-option, like other gender-buggered misogynist wordage.
Like the first commenter, I have reservations about the ho word as well. As your long time pals and you have explained that it doesn't mean what I think it means (exactly), I'm off to vote. It is great that your writings are getting a wider audience and if this award could help that along, then I guess it's the least I could to do to help.
John and Alon; i am in a coffee shop right now in morris, minnesota, using their wireless to .. er, vote for myself. i am such a blog whore!
Jamie; i am not sure that the polls will be open in2 billion years .. and i am certain that people willnot be here in 2 billion years!
Miranda; i am trying to give the word "ho" a new respectability.
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