Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Grand Rounds Request For Submissions

Grand Rounds XXIX was published this morning (and they included me in their line-up of articles, go take a peek!). As it happens, I will be hosting Grand Rounds here next week so I have only ONE WEEK to collect submissions for "my" issue! Based on the resounding success of the current issue of Grand Rounds, it looks like I have my work cut out for me. I can't do this alone, dear readers, so I need your help.

As you all are acutely aware, medicine touches all of us every day, whether we worry about the rising deductable on our medical insurance, are amazed by the newest medical advances, contribute to (or volunteer for) disaster relief or maybe you are personally concerned about your grandmother's failing memory. Grand Rounds strives to make medicine more accessible to the public while simultaneously providing medical personnel with an audience and the opportunity to reflect publically and in writing upon their experiences in the field.

To this end, Grand Rounds indexes the best medical blog writing. Suitable topics include (but are not limited to) healthcare issues; treatments and planning; and stories by or about patients, doctors and other medical personnel. Do you practice medicine outside of America? What is that like? Are you a woman physician who is trying to balance family and career demands? How do you do that? Have you finally paid off your medical school loan? Tell us about that! Additionally, I am personally interested to read about mental health issues, "alternative" career paths (such as practicing medicine on an Indian reservation or in the "Third World"), public health policies and international funding issues (especially tsunami relief in Indonesia).

If you have recently published an essay about medicine on your blog (or if you read something interesting on someone else's blog) and wish to share your wisdom and wit (or discovery) with others in Grand Rounds XXX, feel free to email the URL and a 2-3 sentence abstract of the article to me, GrrlScientist at yahoo by 18 April so this article can be included in the 19 April issue of Grand Rounds! As I understand it, acceptances are typically limited to one article, occasionally two, per site.


© 2004, 2005, 2006 by GrrlScientist

1 Peer Reviews:

Blogger Dreaming again said...

I emailed you a submission, hopefully you have it by now. A friend had asked me to blog about my kids & their Tourettee's syndrome. when I read that you were particularly interested in blog postings about mental illness, the combination was too much to resist.

So ... even though I'm a parent not a doctor ... I entered Grand rounds again.

Good luck!

12:43 AM  

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