I and the Bird Blog Carnival: Request for Submissions

Do you love birds and watching them? Do you enjoy watching the people who watch birds? Do you watch wild birds and write about it? Welcome to I and the Bird, a carnival for bloggers who love birds and writing about them.
I and the Bird is a new blog carnival that celebrates the interaction between humans and avians, it is an ongoing exploration of the endless fascination with birdlife all around the world. It is a biweekly showcase of the best writing about wild birds on the web, published on alternating Thursdays.
But .. where are our blogging birders? Where are your stories about the birds who dine at your feeders? ... about the birds you traveled 3,000 miles to see? ... about the veterinarian whose dedication and medical acumen saved an injured wild bird from certain death? ... about the injured wild bird that was successfully rehabbed and released? ... about the wacky birders whom you run into on the trail? Did all of you migrate to warmer climes, out of reach of a computer? I am beginning to suspect that my dear readers get a sadistic enjoyment from watching me freak out about blog carnivals because, once again, it is only one week away from my publication date yet I have received only two submissions so far. TWO! As you might predict, I am becoming somewhat anxious that my issue of I and the Bird will be an ostrich-sized flop. Save me from this humiliation, my good peeps! And save yourselves from having to read 13 essays written by moi! My edition of I and the Bird will be published here on 27 October, so please send your submissions and your nominations to Mike or to me by the 26th of October!
© 2004, 2005, 2006 by GrrlScientist
1 Peer Reviews:
Well, I'll try to manage something for this one...but why do you always have these things during my busiest weeks? It's not fair, I tells ya!
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