Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I and the Bird #11 Now Available

I was just notified that the eleventh issue of I and the Bird was published this morning. For those of you who are new to "this blog thang", I and the Bird is a relatively new blog carnival. Blog carnivals are link harvests of writing or photoessays or other materials published on blogs that meet certain criteria. In the case of I and the Bird, all contributions were published within the past couple months and are dedicated to celebrating some aspect of wild birds and their biology. The current host kindly contacted me a couple days ago, hoping I had something to contribute to this edition, so I sent her a link to one of my recent stories. You'll have to peek there to figure out which piece it was (especially yous twos, Rob and Chris; you might be pleased even though I still want to rework that piece), and while you are looking, you will also find many other fine stories about birds to entertain you over this holiday weekend.

And to the rest of you, dear readers, I promise that there isn't even one recipe for cooking any species of bird in the collection.


© 2004, 2005, 2006 by GrrlScientist

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